The roads are all dirt, the houses are made of
flax/corrugated iron/bamboo. The main
industry here is farming, they harvest rice, corn, and Mangos. They are very
proud of their organic mangos. I can tell you that you don’t know what mango is
until you’ve tasted it right off the tree!!
To recruit our study ‘participants’ we have been going from
house to house and, seeing where someone lives gives an amazing insight into who
they are. At the door is a picture of the married couple and inside is
meticulously clean with usually little to no furniture on the bamboo slatted
floor. The main aspiration in life is to get married, have babies, and work the
Sitting under the mango tree taking shelter from the heat
and trying to rehydrate, I wondered: could all of my needs be met by living in
a place like this? I admire the companionship within the family unit. The
husband and wife team that ride the moto, drive the ox, or load the truck with
their harvest. It seems almost as if the purpose is to complement each other in
the functions of life. So, would my
needs be met? I guess if you use the infamous Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs then: Physiological: Tick! safety: Tick! Love/belonging: big tick! Esteem: Maybe? Self actualization: No Tick! Have I been
ruined for the simple life or is my perception of need been skewed by the
western ideal of ‘self’ as the centre of all?
Maybe the question is: Am I prepared to replace ‘self
actualization’ with something other than self?? THANKFULLY I DON’T HAVE TO!!!
A view from the Mekong River looking back towards 'Bang Thom' a temple just north of Phnom Penh (it's marked on the map at the top)
The mighty water dragon that transports us (and around 16 tonne of Mango) to the other side of the Mekong |